Sunday, November 23, 2008

Pain in the gut

Well on Friday life was starting to get back to normal. There were more vehicles on the road, more noise. We got to the meeting with the joint secretary, and then headed to one at Nepasoft. Partway through that meeting I started to sweat, and have stomach pains. I headed back to the apartment, and put in a most uncomfortable night. Saturday I was not much better. No vomiting or diarrhoea, just pain, fever, chills. I called my friend Oscar who knows about those things, and he suggested I visit a clinic. There is a vey good one here called CIWEC, with Western trained doctors. So Sunday I went early in the morning. After feeling my tummy and ordering urine tests and an x-ray of my abdomen, decided that I had two problems - a urinary tract infection, and significant constipation. In retrospect that was not surprising. I have been avoiding fruits and veges so as not to pick up any water borne diseases, and have not been diligent about drinking water. So I went home with medication for all those things, still not back to normal today, but improving. I’ll blog again when there is something more interesting to report.

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