Tuesday, November 25, 2008

A Wedding Invitation

Today I came back to work, although I must say I am not really up to par. We are getting ready for some focus group sessions and it was important to be here, discuss some things, and prepare the presentation. Mid morning, one of the local consultants came in with a wedding invitation for me – his son is being married in Baratnagar, in the south east part of the country, on Dec 7. I will not be here anymore, but if the timing had been different it would have been wonderful to go. It will be a traditional Hindu wedding, with all the ceremony the days before. The fellow who is hosting the wedding is a short little guy. Shwarma is his name, not sure if that is surname or given name, that’s just what we call him. But wasn’t that a nice thing to do?

Gerald McGrath, one of the fellows who was here earlier as part of the team, arrived. He is an expert in cadastral systems, from Ontario. He is 72, ex professor, British accent, and I am impressed with his knowledge and his ability to articulate issues. It is nice to be working with him. He has worked all over the world. Although I enjoy a little gig now and then, I do not think it would be much fun to make your living as an international consultant. Too much time away from home. Too vulnerable if you get sick.

Today I picked up my new vest from Yasmine’s. It is quite lovely and I can assure you that no one will have another one like it.

So I left the office early because I had finished the things I needed to do, and was not feeling well at all. When I got to the apartment I called Dr. Ravi and he said come in and he would give me some more powerful medicine. So I went out to the street and said “CIWEC clinic, Thamel – how much” and the driver responded like he knew how far it should be, and off we went. But he did not have a clue. And would NOT ask for directions, and I said – across from the embassy, and he said embassy? Like that was where I wanted to go. And my book said the clinic closed at 4, and we were still wandering the streets of Thamel at 4, and at 4:10. So I finally got out of the cab, and took the one behind us on the street. Lo and behold it was the guy who drove us on Sunday, Thanks goodness. I was so angry at the first taxi driver. When you are not up to par things irritate you a lot.

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