Wednesday, November 12, 2008

A Visit to a local IT company

Today started with a visit to Nepasoft, a computer firm that is doing some work for the project. This firm has 70 people on staff in Kathmandu, mostly applications programmers, but some working on outsourcing projects. They were the local representatives of about 10 international software companies. It also has a small office in Virginia. The staff were all trained in Nepal but had excellent English, but with an accent that you have to listen hard to understand. They occupied the 4th floor of a fairly modern building near our apartment. It was quite an impressive operation.

There are an inordinate number of motorcycles in this town. When we went into the parking garage of Nepasoft it was really striking to see that over half the space was occupied by motorbikes, rather than cars.

We booked reservations for Thanksgiving supper on November 27 at Mike’s breakfast. The original owner was American, and the restaurant does this every year. For supper tonite we had last nights leftovers, plus salad and soup. I declined the salad, still suspicious of leafy greens that have not soaked for a long time. I hope Gabriel des not get sick from it.

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